LogoRoger RACS 5 <b><p style="color:#003366;">Mobile Identification</p></b>

Mobile Identification

1. Roger RACS 5 Mobile Identification main features:

a. Multi-Mode Mobile Identification: RACS 5 offers a versatile mobile identification system with multiple methods, including NFC proximity technology, BLE radio transmission (Bluetooth), and QR bar codes. This versatility allows users to choose the most suitable method for their specific access needs.
b. Flexible Reading Distances: The system accommodates different reading distances based on the chosen identification method. Users can use NFC and QR for close-range identification (a few centimeters from the terminal) or BLE for longer distances (a few meters), making it adaptable for various access points and scenarios.
c. Secure and User-Friendly Mobile Application: The RMK mobile application (Roger Mobile Key) provides an encrypted and secure way to store mobile identifier codes (REK). Users can create and manage REK keys through this application, enhancing security and user control. The availability of RMK on both Android and iOS platforms ensures a user-friendly experience across different mobile devices.

2. Roger Highlight:

a. Multi-Mode Flexibility. RACS 5 Mobile Identification supports multiple identification methods, including NFC proximity technology, BLE radio transmission (Bluetooth), and QR bar codes. This flexibility allows users to choose the most convenient and suitable method for accessing secured areas, making it a versatile and user-centric solution.